Dax’s Magnana Musial Screen Grab News Menagerie – March 24th

D-Day in America, as Mueller’s Report is summarized by Billy Barr.  I could write for two hours about how disappointing this was and why.  How none of it is over and what we should all be doing now.  But for the moment, just kick back and watch news of it that you avoided so you could otherwise enjoy your Sunday.

The video below is a summary of all of it.  Kind of an MTV News kind of format.  Film screenwriter, Dax Snaer, collected a lot of screen grabs from Cable TV and wove a story from it over music.  Soak it in and enjoy.

If you need to get caught up on it from a golden news source, here is a New York Times article summing it all up:

Mueller Finds No Trump-Russia Conspiracy, but Stops Short of Exonerating President on Obstruction

New York TImes  –>  https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/24/us/politics/mueller-report-summary.html

About Magnana Mouse

Magnana Mouse is a state of mind. Magnana Mouse is the Resistance. Citizen Media. World peace is a thing we will achieve person-to-person across the planet. Truth is like that. Person to person. Truth is a thing. It is all of our responsibility to foster it's regrowth. Primary source only has one higher. So to speak. Haleakala. #RESIST
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