Um *gulp* Karma, Line One

Sad news. In Trump-Republican Party circles, anyway. It seems that after a battle with Karma, Rush Limbaugh went down for the count. Apparently, she went for the fat junkie’s lungs. He tried holding on to them. After a couple months, sister Fate moved in and turned them into rotted goo. Karma just said, “F#ck it, let the fat idiot keep them.”

Shortly thereafter, he choked to death on his own putrid bile.

Rush Limbaugh Dies at 70; Turned Talk Radio Into a Right-Wing Attack Machine

New York Times —>

We, the ones not victims of neo-Confederate ignorance, have been looking forward to this day for decades.

Americans not seduced like cheap whores by Trumpian bigotry and sedition knows Rush Limbaugh as the Devil’s mouthpiece, and celebrate this annoyingly-delayed karmic justice.

And, yes, Limbaugh is a convicted drug dealer and unrepentant JUNKIE.

Limbaugh reaches settlement in drugs case

NBC —>

This kind of feels like the last GARBAGE right wing, anti-American Putin-worshipping JUNKIE rotted ino earth.

Andrew Breitbart’s Cause of Death Revealed

Hollywood Reporter —>

I pray that Limbaugh’s surviving S.U.C.K.E.R.S disposing of this waste chooses to burn him to ash. I am still ashamed we forced the Earth to swallow the putrid remains of Breitbart. It’s small, compared to the wrongs we’ve done to her, ripping out all her coal to power our suicidal stupidity. But, it feels grosser. Putting this rotten filth into her feels like rape. I hope we don’t do this again. Oh Christ, not at the same time we’re desperately trying to save her.

#CremateRush #DontBuryRottingRush #SaveTheDirt


About Magnana Mouse

Magnana Mouse is a state of mind. Magnana Mouse is the Resistance. Citizen Media. World peace is a thing we will achieve person-to-person across the planet. Truth is like that. Person to person. Truth is a thing. It is all of our responsibility to foster it's regrowth. Primary source only has one higher. So to speak. Haleakala. #RESIST
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