He Names like a 4th Grade Bully. You Can Do Better.

Trump Douchebag Nickname Contest WP

The image above is a screen-grab of an article from my news feed.  NBC is click-baiting a click-bait article grunting off Individual 1’s pathetic, PROJECTIVE (psychological projection at Wikipedia) nickname he has for his betters vying to unseat his obese, orange ass from his perch with Putin and McConnell.

Well, who cares what a geriatric orange pimple says about those out of his shameful caste’s reach?  The question to ask yourself is:


Please light up the comment section with your favs.  Winners will be chosen.  Oh yes, they will.  And, they will all be shoved right that bigoted scumbag’s stretched-out sphincter.

About Magnana Mouse

Magnana Mouse is a state of mind. Magnana Mouse is the Resistance. Citizen Media. World peace is a thing we will achieve person-to-person across the planet. Truth is like that. Person to person. Truth is a thing. It is all of our responsibility to foster it's regrowth. Primary source only has one higher. So to speak. Haleakala. #RESIST
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