Who Was ol’ Herman to YOU?

There is a sad, today.  A man who sold his soul to the devil had it called on him, today.  Herman Cain is dead.  Only 74.  Taken by the Plague.

Herman represents a lot of things to a lot of people.  He is revered and reviled.  But, the only thing that matters today is that he was someone’s Father.  Someone’s son.  Some called him grampa.

It’s impossible, though, to not think about how he was taken.  Herman Cain worked for a madman who doesn’t believe in science and thinks that masks that prevent the spread of the plague actually CAUSE THE PLAGUE.  Herman was ordered to attend a Klan Trump Rally in the middle of a horrible plague hotspot.

Herman was ordered to NOT wear a mask.

Because of this INSANE trump campaign regulatory demand, Herman was exposed to the novel Coronavirus  — COVID-19.  Very predictably, the disease took his lungs and forced him on a ventilator to extend his now-doomed existence.  And, just as predictably, Herman didn’t get off the ventilator until his last breath was artificially drawn.

Herman Cain was imprisoned and summarily executed by Donald Trump.

Who was Herman to you? Early on, he was a Corporate Golden Child.  He took much and gave back little, if anything at all.  But, he was rich, and he always respected the hands what fed him.

Who was Herman 1 Office Nigga

To a lot of us, his time as the Pizza Man was unnoticed.  His bizniz.  Good for him, but nothing we cared about.  It wasn’t until the RNC recruited him to be the black Republican to primary to take on President Barack Obama in his 2012 reelection campaign that he took his place in our lexicon.

Who is this guy?  The Klan’s token black who agreed to parroting their BIGOTED anti segregation; anti-minority; anti common-man’s talking points.  We got to know Herman as we learned that he was a vapid butt of a joke and whose entire career was now rendered a fraud because of it.

Who was Herman 2 Sellout

Maybe, like most Millennials and pretty much ALL GenZ grasshoppas, you had no clue who Herman was outside of the fact that Trump owned him and installed him in his Reich.  The Housing and Urban Development Czar who would oversee trump’s campaign to destroy the department of Housing and Urban Development.  The one black friend that justifies the plantation owner to crack his whip, because, hey look!  Mikey Likes it!!!

Who was Herman 3 Hapless Fool

Let me know your memories of this guy.  Respectfully, please.

About dmusedamerica

I have done a metric ass-ton of things through my personal and professional trek across my nows and thens. I've worked in politics in more than a couple handfuls of US Senate and Congressional districts across the country. I'm a domestic wonk out the box. Through my work in the electoral mafia, I've lived many a parallel career. I tendered outright in 2006, but that's a story inside a story within a tale for none other time or other. For a lot of my years trench-side, I was fortunate to be able to work parallel in a managerial capacity for creatives. Now, I am able to have come out the closet, so to speak. I'm able to be managed instead of owning the wheel. For the first time in my life, I am blessed to let others manage my trip steps and bounds through the briar patch of publishing. Now, Steven D'Mused can harvest his own creative bounty. It's a good day. I journal here at Magnana Mouse to help my old friend John; to share my experience in and knowledge of the dark web of US political electioneering. This is a place for my activist self to write at a podium near the metaphorical ballot box. Hope I am able to add a valuable voice to Magnana Mouse. Thanks for reading and thanks for CARING to read into the truth. Let reality reign and joy flow. Get out the vote, no matter how you do it. Just do it. Fight for your right to party, my brothas and sistas. No rules in street fighting. Blood and balls. There is only winning and dying anymore. WIN.
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4 Responses to Who Was ol’ Herman to YOU?

  1. Steven D says:

    Reblogged this on Magnanner Danner's Happy Place and commented:
    So, I wrote this for Magnana Mouse Magazine. If you don’t follow Magnana Mouse, please do. I drop a lot of work that way. Writing. Design. Video Editing. Thanks!

  2. Reblogged this on D'Mused America – Steve's Unchained and commented:

    Written, of course, for Magnana Mouse. I often fail to re-blog to here. But pretty fair to say you’re likely following the mag if you’re following me, here. If not, please follow. There and on Twitter. Thanks. I need to start paying some bills with this instead of paying to put the stuff out. Right?

  3. johnnysdoe says:

    I actually knew Mr. Cain. Not until 2013, so I didn’t know him when he was on top of his corporate game. To me, he was always dejected. Beaten down. I think he’s definitely happier wherever he is.

  4. johnnysdoe says:

    Reblogged this on J.S.D. For America and commented:

    R.I.P. Herman. Sorry it took Corona to release you from the prison you chose. Nice job on this one, Steven, Love the design work. I appreciate how you held back.

Whatcha thinkin'?